Find Us

Access and parking

Our address is  58 Wolverton Park Road, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5FJ 

If driving, you can reach us via Old Wolverton Road (that runs through Old Wolverton). The entrance to Wolverton Park Road is between the two railway bridges. Follow the road and when you see Ole's Tapas Bar, you can't miss us.

Google map users: enter 58 Wolverton Park Road for the correct route. If you use 'MK Biergarten, 58 Wolverton Park Road' Google maps will direct you to Stratford Road, which is the pedestrian route.

There are some free parking bays available but many spaces are strictly allocated to residents. To avoid a parking ticket, we can advise where to park if you are unsure. Please be kind to our neighbours and not park in front of our pub or the units either side. Cheers!!

If walking, you can reach us via Stratford Road.

  • From the road to Tesco, walk over the railway bridge.
  • Turn left to enter the Triangle Building. 
  • Go down the stairs, walk towards the road and turn right.
  • Walk past Ole's Tapas Bar and you can't miss us. 
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